E-House Solutions

An E-House, also known as substation, is a prefabricated, modular outdoor enclosure designed to house electrical equipment. It typically contains low voltage (LV) and medium voltage (MV) switchgear, as well as other secondary electrical components.

E-Houses are manufactured in a factory for consistency and efficiency. Can be easily transported and assembled on-site.

Designed to with stand various weather conditions. Provides access for maintenance and inspection. It includes all electrical and mechanical components and systems that are manufactured, assembled, tested and commissioned in the controlled factory environment. Allows power distribution for residential, commercial, and industrial applications, for renewable energy projects, to house inverters, transformers, and other equipment.

Can be preferred in remote locations where traditional building construction is not practical or possible, in industrial zones, construction sites or in emergencies, oil, natural gas or mineral exploration areas, and in the aviation or defence sector. In essence, an E-House is a self-contained electrical substation that can be quickly deployed and easily maintained.


More than 25 years of proficiency in modular building

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